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Yearly Archives: 2013

Building a school

So I love my classes and I love being in the classroom but don’t you guys ever get the urge or feeling that there’s more out there for you? Lately I’ve been having this inclination to build my own school. Like most teachers I don’t have the financial means right now, I mean I’m saving for a ring and I have to pay a mortgage so what do I do?

How do I get financial backing for this project? Is it possible?

My vision is so extreme and honestly I want to “googlefy” my educational setting. How do I pitch that to google? Somewhere, someone help me with my vision!

Holocaust survivor


The week of the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht I decided to develop myself professionally. At Ramapo College I heard lectures, music from the Holocaust, teaching strategies for Kristallnacht, but also a speaker who was there as a child. The number of survivors continue to dwindle as these miracle children are growing old. I say miracle children because all the stories always involve some sort of miracle for their survival. I could never understand how they could survive. Much respect.

Take it easy

Vote for my student!


Click the link and vote for COURTNEY BROSNAN

Virtual Schooling In The News

Virtual School Meanderings

InTheNewsBeginning with Education Week’s EdWeek Update.


For-Profits Dominate Market for Online Teacher Prep
Virtual programs are perhaps the fastest-growing sector of teacher preparation. Brick-and-mortar institutions, such as the University of Southern California, are increasingly getting into the action, as well as startups.

Education Researcher Moves Into Certification Business
USC Brings Its Own Brand to Online Offering for Teacher Prep
Bank Street College Aims to Retain ‘Essence’ in Virtual Program

For more stories, visit Education Week‘s homepage.

Also the EdTech SmartBrief.

New online community aimed at keeping educators connected
The State Educational Technology Directors Association has partnered with Connected Educator Month to provide state leaders with a valuable resource — access to each other. SETDA will debut a new online community in November that will allow its members to connect and share resources and best practices in different ways. “Keeping up with new…

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Ever plan out a great discussion for your class and end up with crickets in the background? You thought ever question was riveting or you thought every question was at the right level and then SPLAT! Where did it go wrong?

Probably the first step was thinking about yourself and saying, “I think this is perfect.” The appropriate response should probably be “this is perfect for the kids.” It’s tough to gauge students nowadays. Their interests are so different and their abilities vary. How do you teach a class of 30 who say they are a certain level, perform at a completely different one, and expect to finish at a different place. It’s tough on teachers, but creating any lesson with the student in mind is the only way to go.

It’s time to step out of that comfort zone and really go after lessons where you’re unsure of yourself. There will be times where you’re not even sure of the answers or responses you’ll get, but that’s the fun part, no? Challenging yourself and getting to an entirely different level. Do the additional research and push yourself beyond your limits.

I’m at a new district this year and it’s been challenging thus far, but at the same time, I feel as though I’m reinventing myself everyday. It’s what teaching is supposed to be like, sort of. It’s never perfect, but everyday I’m working towards it.

Take it easy.

Oh it’s been so long

I almost forgot I had this!

I know I don’t have that many followers, but regardless cyberspace can hear me.  I actually switched districts this September, and ironically enough my one tirade that I had last year about an administrator commenting on my dress led to the change.  Maybe that was only part of the reason, but I made the decision to leave a tenured position at a district where I held three coaching positions.  I decided to move because I want to be the best at the best and I am fortunate enough to say that I’m at a top 5 school in New Jersey.  I’m blessed for this opportunity and I’m eager to get going.

It’s been about 2 weeks and Back to School Night is coming up and I’m getting ready for my usual song and dance, but I think I’ve worked more hours in the past 2 weeks than I did the last 5 years as a teacher.  My entire summer was dedicated to reinventing myself and creating my lessons.  Wait, did I just say lessons?  I was so comfy at a spot where lesson plans were a thing of the past, but the state is mandating new procedures and lesson plans are crucial in this process.  UGH!  Everyone plans, but to put it into a format that someone who rarely sets foot in the classroom has to review when the year ends, that’s never fun.  Regardless, I’m approaching every part of this new journey with high hopes!

I hope everyone has had a great September thus far and good luck!

Summa Summa Summa Time

So I have been MIA for a while and honestly it’s because I’m enjoying the summer. Well I am trying to enjoy my summer lol. I left for San Diego a week after school ended and those ten days were amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t do anything crazy, but really relaxed and felt as though it was a true vacation.

Since I got back, I had to jump right back into reality because I run a summer camp at my church. You can check out some of the details on my Antioch tab or just go to http://www.antiochnj.com. The church runs from 9-3 and I’m there at 7:30 pretty much everyday. I do all the necessary shopping and food supplies b/c my girlfriend is actually volunteering as the lunch lady. These kids have no idea how good they have it. They have a real chef, one that works for Rachael Ray, making their meals everyday. What’s even more ridiculous is the fact that parents are paying basically nothing for a full day of academic and spiritual enrichment, along with physical activities, field trips that are paid for, and hot meals that are nutritious EVERYDAY. Who wouldn’t want to sign up for this camp?

Anyway, I really don’t get much time away other than the vacation I took to Cali, but waking up early every morning keeps me fresh and ready for the new school year. I am rebuilding myself or reinventing myself this year as I start another step in my educational career. I’m changing districts and the workload is going to be far more intense but I’m very excited. I already started planning for the year and I’m creating lesson plans everyday. It’s an exciting time; I feel motivated, driven, and passionate again about teaching. We’ll see how long that lasts, haha!

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Take it easy

Only 5% of Americans Wash Their Hands Right

The FINAL Countdown

For all the students and even you teachers, good luck on finals! I know that many districts are done, but for those of you that are grinding down the last couple days, the finish line is near! We are that much closer to the vacation that we don’t deserve, the vacation that is our only motivation to teaching, and the vacation that we don’t get paid for. Haha, obviously I’m being sarcastic. Good luck everyone and enjoy the last couple days.

Take it easy

Check out my TeachersPayTeachers site

TeachersPayTeachers sign up

Don’t Wake Me Up

You know that feeling you have before you go to bed where you turn off your alarm clock knowing that you don’t have to wake up early the next day? When you make sure your shades are shut and the room will stay dark no matter what the time? The lovely, wonderful, fantastic day off….

Now there are 8 more wake ups left in the school year. Most teachers have to get summer jobs to supplement their income, but I would think most teachers take a couple days to relax. I take a couple weeks to recharge, but I do summer programs and whatnot in the summer. Regardless, I am super excited for that first day to actually sleep in….although my mental clock is already tuned to 5:30, I’m sure I can readjust it to say……11? haha, we shall see…

Take it easy

Check out my TeachersPayTeachers site

TeachersPayTeachers sign up